Área Acadêmica
Fotônica (FOT-0086)

Fotônica (FOT-0086)

Publicado 2/25/2019, 4:12:10 PM, última modificação 3/7/2024, 2:28:16 PM

Ementa: Ondas, fótons e matéria, Materiais fotônicos, Princípios da Óptica Não-Linear, Efeito Eletro-óptico e Acusto-óptico, Ótica Integrada, Dispositivos Fotônicos, Lasers e Amplificadores óticos, Sólitons, Cristais Fotônicos e Aplicações.

Syllabus: Waves, Photons and Matter, Photonic Materials, Fundamentals of non-linear optics, Electro-optic effect, Acousto-optic effect, Integrated Optics, Photonic devices, Lasers and optical amplifiers, Solitons, Photonic Crystals and Applications.


Fundamentals of Photonics - Saleh & Teich, John Wiley & Sons, 2nd edição, 2007

Optical Waves in Crystals - A. Yariv & P. Yeh, John Wiley & Sons, 1984

Waves and Fields in Optoelectronics - H. A. Haus, Prentice-Hall, 1984

Quantum Electronics, A. Yariv, John Wiley & Sons, 1967

Understanding Lasers - An Entry-level Guide, J Hecht, IEEE Press, 1994

Laser Electronics - J. Verdeyen, Prentice-Hall, 1981

The Laser Guidebook, J. Hecht, McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1992

Lasers, P. W. Milonni & J. H. Eberly, John Wiley & Sons, 1988

Handbook of Optics, M. Bass, McGraw-Hill, 1995

Electro-Optics Handbook, G. R. Elion & H. A. Elion, Marcel Dekker, Inc., 1979

Nonlinear Optical Materials, H. Kuhn & J. Robillard, CRC Press, 1992

Integrated Optics: Design and Modelling, R. März, Artech House, 1995

Optoelectronics, E. Wiga, Prentice-Hall, 1995

Photonic Switching and Interconnects, A. Marrakchi, Marcel Dekker, Inc., 1994

Optical Properties of Photonic Crystals, K. Sakoda, Springer-Verlag, 2005

Photonic Crystal Fibres, A. Bjarklev, J. Broeng and A.S. Bjarklev, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003.

Optics & Photonics News, Optical Society of America, mensal

Photonics Spectra, Laurin Publication, mensal

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