Agreements and Partnerships

Agreements and Partnerships

Publicado 1/21/2020, 9:35:11 AM, última modificação 3/8/2024, 2:21:07 PM
Cooperation Projects

In 2018, PPGBIOTEC began to integrate REDE SULBIOTEC, a network that gathers universities, research institutes and companies of the Southern region of Brazil which act in the field of Biotechnology. UTFPR is one of the founder stakeholders of Rede SulBiotec. The objective of such a network is to enable a fertile environment for the collaboration among Universities, Institutes, and Companies, focusing on products, processes, and biotechnological services innovating from the knowledge exchange.

Evonik + Fertibio + Novozymes + Agrocetes

Partnership in teaching for undergraduation and graduation programs. The courses involved are conducted from a technological challenge proposed by the industry and according to their reality. Based on such a challenge, a practical part of the course is conducted so the students can develop biotechnological solutions and experiments. The industrial directory presents the challenge, which takes place during the technical visit of students to the company. The final presentation also takes place in the industrial environment (or at UTFPR) with the presence of the Company’s team. Up to the moment, we identified research opportunities with different companies that we hope to settle in the form of joint works for graduation programs. The partnership promotes an intense contact and experiences among students and the biotechnological industry, thus promoting technical and human knowledge.

International Center for Renewable Energies – CIBiogas

A partner in research, carrying out collaborative masters’ dissertations that involve the sharing of research opportunities, participation in public and private promotion notices, internships for PPGBiotec students, publication of scientific papers, books, and books chapters, among others. Up to the moment, there are two masters’ dissertations in progress at PPGBiotec under this partnership, which one of them is done jointly with a company from the Ponta Grossa region. It was also approved, alongside with PPGEP (Graduate Program in Production Engineering) of UTFPR, a notice at CNPq under the subject of Inventory of the Life Circle of the Dairy Industry.


Partnership in research, with the sharing of information and research opportunities, including the donation of materials. Up to the moment, a new technology is in progress of creation which may result in intellectual protection.

UEPG – State University of Ponta Grossa

Partnerships in research with the Department of Food Pharmacy and Science, under the supervision and co-orientation for masters dissertation.

USP – São Paulo University

Partnership with the laboratory of Mitochondrial Biogenesis of the Microbiology Department of the São Paulo University. The partnership is linked to the study on punctual mutations of the coq10 gene and their effects on the mitochondrial respiratory activity in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.

UFPR – Federal University of Paraná

Partnership with the Department of Microbiology of UFPR jointly with the Taxononline Microorganisms Network. The Taxonline Project – Paraná Network of Biological Collections began in 2005 and deals with the data computation of biological collections (microbiological, botanical, and animal) from all over Paraná.

Partnerships with the study group of professor Carlos Ricardo Soccol of the Department of Bioprocesses and Biotechnology Engineering, in the development of projects related to the molecules bioactive production from biotechnological processes.

Partnership with professor Maria Rosa Prado alongside with Pelé Pequeno Príncipe Institute for Research in carrying out cell activities tests on the bioactive substances produced from fermentation processes using microorganisms.

Partnership with the Laboratory of Cell Toxicology in a project with partnership with professor Ciro Alberto de Oliveira Ribeiro.


Partnership with the Faculty of Chemical Engineering of the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP), with the Institute of Technological Research (IPT) of the State of São Paulo, and with the Higher Agrarian School of Bragança Polytechnic Institute (IPB) of Portugal. This collaboration regards of the project entitled “Cultivation heterotrophic of Chlorella Vulgaris tolerant to herbicides for the acquisition of biofertilizers”, approved with the funding of the National Council for the Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq). 

UEM – State University of Maringá

Collaboration in research with the APLE-A research group (Analytics applied to lipids, plant sterols, and antioxidants) of the State University of Maringá in studies on the field of bioactive compounds.

UEL – State University of Londrina

Collaboration in research with professors of the Department of Chemistry of the State University of Londrina (UEL) focused on the chemical production, characterization, and modification of fungal glucans.

UNICENTRO – State University of Central West

Collaboration with the Graduate Program of Pharmaceutical Sciences in studies related to the bioactive beta-glucan properties.

Embrapa Aves e Suínos

Partnership with researchers from Embrapa Aves e Suínos of Concórdia (SC) for the development of microbial inoculant for the degradation of lignocellulosic material.

Embrapa Agroindústria de Alimentos and Embrapa Clima Temperado

Partnership with the following researchers: André de Souza Dutra, Amauri Rosenthal, Caroline Mellinger Silva, Renata Valeriano Tonon from Embrapa Agroindústria de Alimentos (in English, Embrapa Agroindustry of Food – RJ) and Ana Cristina Richter Krolow from Embrapa Clima Temperado (in English, Embrapa Temperate Climate – RS) in a project concerning the applications of whey.

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