International Cooperation

International Cooperation

Publicado 1/16/2020, 10:56:50 AM, última modificação 3/8/2024, 1:47:12 PM
Agreements and partnerships

The PPGEE-CP/PPGAEE-CP has officially recognized international cooperation agreements signed by the Rectors of UTFPR and the partner universities, with their provisions published in the Official Gazette. PPGEE-CP/PPGAEE-CP has an established partnership with BCAM (Bilbao, Spain), UPC Barcelonatech (Spain), Universidad de Valladolid (Spain) and TUIASI (Romania). In the agreements there is an exchange agreement for teachers and students.

Barcelona, Spain

UTFPR-UPC Barcelonatech Bilateral Research Project: Stability and control with applications in engineering

Description: Cooperation between researchers from Brazil and Spain on the theme Stability and control with applications in engineering. The actions and rules of the UTFPR-CODALAB Bilateral Research Project Stability and Control with Engineering Applications comply with the provisions of the UPC-UTFPR Cooperation Agreement published in the Official Gazette of the Government of Brazil, Section 3, no. 23, p. 77 of February 3, 2015.

Bilbao, Spain 

UTFPR and the Basque Center for Applied Mathematics (BCAM), based in Bilbao, Spain, have formalized an agreement for academic, scientific and cultural cooperation, published in the Federal Official Gazette, Section 3, p. 64 of October 4, 2011 under the coordination of Dr. Alessandro do Nascimento Vargas. The agreement was signed by Rector Carlos Eduardo Cantarelli and BCAM's scientific director, Enrique Zuazua. The agreement enables exchanges of teachers and researchers and joint research projects of PPGEE-CP/PPGAEE-CP and other programs, as well as the promotion of cultural and scientific events. Following the terms of this international cooperation agreement, PPGEE-CP developed the research project on the theme of “Switching Control Systems”, whose activities started with BCAM in January 2012. Most recently, in 2014, Prof. Dr. Alessandro do Nascimento Vargas began his postdoc research activities at the referred institution.

Iasi, Romania 

UTFPR-TUIASI Bilateral Research Project: Model predictive control for networked nonlinear systems

Description: This research project is focused on developing efficient, sustainable and low-cost predictive control solutions to control problems related to systems which are nonlinear and which are controlled through communication networks (nonlinear networked control systems). The networked predictive control solutions must be able to deal with: nonlinear dynamics characteristics, network-induced disturbances/uncertainties, hard time-constraints, limited computational/communication resources, hardware constraints/limited memory and/or variable workload. These problems increase the complexity of system analysis and controller design, can seriously affect the control performances and can even destabilize the closed-loop system if they are not taken into account in the design phase of the networked predictive controllers. The actions and rules of the UTFPR-TUIASI Bilateral Research Project comply with the provisions of the UTFPR-TUIASI Cooperation Agreement published in the Official Gazette of the Government of Brazil, Section 3, no. 134, p. 65 of July 16, 2015.

Organization of American States (OAS)

The PPGEE-CP, in partnership with the Organization of American States (OAS), the Coimbra Group of Universities (GCUB), with the support of the Division of Educational Themes of MRE Brazil and the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO/WHO), offers scholarship-level masters-level training to citizens from OAS member countries.

The partnership between the PPGEE-CP and the OAS aims to promote international cooperation for the development of scientific and technological research on cutting-edge themes, contributing to the dissemination of knowledge and Latin American integration.

Other internationalization activities: 

The internationalization of PPGEE-CP/PPGAEE-CP is based on agreements with foreign institutions, coming from international speakers and postdoc researchers, as well as internships and visits at foreign universities.

In December 2016, PPGEE-CP was visited by Professor Oscar Duque Perez from the Universidad de Valladolid, under the agreement with the Universidad de Valladolid (Spain).   Partial costing of expenses occurred via project Internationalization ActivitiesInternationalization ActivitiesCNPq/CAPES PUBLIC CALL No. 06/2011 - CASADINHO/PROCAD process no. 552269/2011-5 (responsible: Prof. Alessandro Goedtel). The research group of Professor Oscar Duque Perez and Daniel Morinigo Sotelo is in line with research carried out at PPGEE-CP, and Professor Wagner Fontes Godoy (UTFPR-CP) undertook part of his PhD in Valladolid under the supervision of both professors.

PPGEE-CP hosted Mr. Mohamed Bahloul, PhD student at the Université de Sfax, Tunisia, during his interuniversity exchange doctorate.  The research internship Sanduiche began on August 15, 2015 and ended on September 30, 2015 under the supervision of prof. Alessandro do Nascimento Vargas.

The PPGEE-CP received in June-July-2015 Prof. Leonardo Think (UPC Barcelonatech, Spain), who contributed research at PPGEE-CP, with all expenses borne by the project Stochastic Systems with automotive engineering applications [Special Visiting Researcher Program - PVEs. CAPES Case 88881.030423 / 2013-01]

In 2014, the PPGEE-CP received prof. Bhola Ram Gurjar of the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), who came to present his research experiences at IIT.

 PPGEE-CP received two postdoc researchers with CAPES scholarships from Spain, on the recommendation of professors from UPC Barcelonatech, Spain. Researcher Mauricio Fabián Zapateiro De la Hoz made a one-month technical visit in 2013 and then returned as a postdoctoral fellow at PPGEE-CP (he received a scholarship for a year and a half, remaining until January 2015). Dr. Mauricio has been an assistant professor at UPC Barcelona, Industrial Engineering School of Barcelona for 3 years. PPGEE-CP also received postdoctoral researcher Yenny Teresa Leal Moncada, who remained between March-August-2015, and then resigned from PPGEE-CP to accept an invitation to be a professor at Univ. Padua, Italy.

Dr. Yenny Moncada develops research on "Glucose Monitors in Diabetic Patients and Their Algorithms for Improving Instrument Read-Calibration." Dr. Mauricio Zapateiro develops research on "Nonlinear Control and Shock absorber applications - passive, semi-passive and active".

The PPGEE-CP hosted visiting professor Dr. Constantin Florin Caruntu, a full-time TUIASI (Romania) faculty member, who met from November 2015 to October 2016, and received a post-doc CAPES scholarship under the supervision of Professor. Alessandro do Nascimento Vargas on the theme Stochastic Model Predictive Control. Dr. Constantin's postdoc CAPES fellowship complied with the terms of the international cooperation agreement that PPGEE-CP has with TUIASI (Romania).

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