Graduate Program in Electrical Engineering
The Graduate Program in Electrical Engineering aims at fostering the skills of electrical engineers and professionals of similar areas, producing human resources (Masters in Electrical Engineering) capable of promoting the scientific and technological development for the needs of companies and the society. In this sense, the Graduate Program in Electrical Engineering focuses on the development of activities that promote the generation and dissemination of science and technology in the field of Energy Systems and Processing, seeking to enhance the life quality of the society and the environmental preservation.
Concentration Area: Energy Systems and Processing
The Graduate Program in Electrical Engineering covers the field of energy systems and processing. Such an area integrates from the theoretical research in modelling and simulation of dynamical systems to the development of new methods and technologies concerning the systems of control, instrumentation, energy processing and quality, renewable systems, and industrial processes. The main subjects researched involve the energy conversion and its applications, electromagnetic compatibility, modelling of dynamic systems, systems of signals control and processing.
Lines of Research
Generation Systems and Electric Energy Conversion
The Generation Systems and Electric Energy Conversion line addresses issues related to energy conversion, control, quality and energy conservation for various applications. The involved topics in these issues include techniques for modeling and simulating energy systems; high performance computational techniques; intelligent systems applied to the power system; energy optimization and efficiency; and the use of renewable energy sources.
Industrial Electronic, Systems and Electronic Controls
The Industrial Electronic, Systems and Electronic Controls line covers topics of electric drives, power electronics, analog and digital electronics, artificial lighting systems, discrete automation and continuous, discrete and hybrid control.
Information Processing
The Information Processing line involves the fundamentals and applications of systems engineering, including topics such as data / signal acquisition, storage and processing, biomedical data processing, measurement and instrumentation systems, communication networks and protocols, intelligent systems, pattern recognition and computer vision.