

Publicado 1/16/2020, 1:50:51 PM, última modificação 1/16/2020, 1:50:57 PM
Short description of laboratories

Dynamic systems lab
The Laboratory has desks, computers, benches, as well as specialized equipment for control measures, oscillations and noise in structures. The laboratory routinely performs mechanical vibration control tests and modeling of structures and actuators, among others.

Advanced Materials Laboratory
It has test tables, reagents and glassware for handling and synthesis of materials, also has electric oven and microwave, mills, precision scales and other apparatus for synthesis of ceramic materials.

Electrochemistry Laboratory
The laboratory has equipment, reagents and materials for laboratory research related to electrochemical techniques, focusing on the following activities: i) development of electrodeposition metal and alloy composite coatings; ii) obtaining electroplating metal coatings; iii) evaluation of corrosion resistance of metallic materials. The laboratory is also able to conduct industry testing in the field of corrosion and related topics. Available equipment: Potentiostat/Galvanostat Bio-Logic Model SP-200. Desktop and monitor microcomputer, i3 processor; HD 1Tb, for potentiostat/galvanostat control. Electrode rotation control system. Tektronix AFG1022 Function Generator. Tektronix TBS1102 Oscilloscope. 30V/3A power supplies.

Polymer laboratory
The Laboratory features suitable desks, computers and countertops and is capable of producing polymeric composite materials by methods such as manual infusion and lamination and RTM (resin transfer molding). It has a pressure vessel for the production of positive pressure composite and polymer plates. It also has a vacuum chamber that assists in the RTM process, has a scanner and a non-professional 3D printer to build models and prostheses that can be used for veterinary use, among others.

Material Testing and Characterization Laboratory
The Material Testing and Characterization Laboratory is a laboratory whose main objective is to test the materials in tensile, compressive, charpy, hardness, microhardness and bending in order to evaluate these properties for research, reports, consultancy, etc. On the other hand, in the characterization of materials, the aim is to perform optical microscopy, optical emission spectroscopy, and preparation of specimens to complement studies, research, reports and scientific technical reports. It is a laboratory of paramount importance for research in general metallic, polymeric and ceramic materials of all lines.

UTFPR-CP Scientific and Technological Computing Center (CCCT-CP)
The center has one rack and two 256 Gb Dell machines and a total of 64 processors. The high-performance computing center is in a soundproofed, air-conditioned room and can be accessed via the network by several researchers and students using the center. It is a multi-user equipment, and currently teachers and students from various courses, graduate programs and campus of UTFPR use the center. Work such as modeling and simulation of new materials and nanomaterials, finite elements, and programming have already been done through CCCT-CP.   

PPGEM-CP Multi-Room
The room has 13 bays, 3 central desks and 9 computers that can be used by students of PPGEM-CP to carry out their research.

Expansion and future space for new laboratories:
The Program also awaits the completion of a space with two laboratory rooms, and a small theoretical study room, which should take place this year. Equipment and furniture for these rooms have already been quoted and included in the institution's purchase plans. The expansion of laboratories to this new space will allow a quality leap in the accommodation of equipment and researchers, and will certainly help to leverage research at PPGEM-CP

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