

Publicado 1/21/2020, 9:55:40 AM, última modificação 1/21/2020, 9:55:58 AM
Topics of interest and link to Lattes

Permanent professor

Américo Wagner Júnior
Area: Agronomy / Physiology and Plant Breeding / Fruit
E-mail: americowagner@utfpr.edu.br
D. in Plant Science, UFV (2007) | M.Sc. in Agronomy, UFPEL (2003) | Agronomist, UFSC (2000)

Carlos André Bahry
Area: Annual Crop Management in Agroecosystems
E-Mail: carlosbahry@utfpr.edu.br
D. in Seed Science and Technology, UFPEL (2014) | M.Sc. in Seed Science and Technology, UFPEL (2011) | Agronomist, UFSM (2006).

Dalva Paulus
Area: Agronomy / Plant science / Plant Management
E-mail: dalvapaulus@utfpr.edu.br
D in Agronomy, USP (2008) | M.Sc. in Agronomy, UFSM (2004) | Agronomist, UFSM (2001)

Dinéia Tessaro
Area: Soil Biology
E-mail: dtessaro@utfpr.edu.br
D in Agricultural Engineering, UNIOESTE (2013) | M.Sc. in Agricultural Engineering, UNIOESTE (2009) | Biologist, UNIOESTE (2004)

Eleandro José Brun
Area: Forest Resources and Forest Engineering / Forestry / Agroforestry Systems / ILPF
E-mail: eleandrobrun@utfpr.edu.br
D in Forestry Engineering, UFSM (2008) | M.Sc. in Forest Engineering, UFSM (2004) | Forest Engineer, UFSM (2002)

Elisandra Pocojeski
Area: Agronomy / Soil Science / Morphology, Genesis & Soil Classification
E-mail: elisandrap@utfpr.edu.br
D in Soil Science, UFSM (2012) | MSc. in Soil Science, UFSM (2007) | Agronomist, UFSM (2005)

Elton Celton de Oliveira
Area: Applied Ecology / Zoology 
E-mail: eltonoliveira@utfpr.edu.br
D in Ecology and Conservation, UFPR (2011) | M.Sc. in Ecology and Conservation, UFPR (2008) | Licensed and a bachelor's degree in biology, UFPR (2005)

Everton R. Lozano da Silva
Area: Zoology / Entomology / Biological Control
E-mail: evertonlricardi@utfpr.edu.br
D in Agronomy, UEL (2010) | M.Sc. in Agronomy, UNIOESTE (2006) | Licensed in Biology, UNIOESTE (2002)

Gilmar Antônio Nava
Area: Agronomy / Fruit / Temperate Climate Fruit
E-mail: gilmarnava@utfpr.edu.br
D in Plant science/Fruit plants, UFRGS (2007) | M.Sc. in Agronomy, UFSM (2001) | Agronomist, UDESC (1998)

Jean Carlo Possenti
Area: Agronomy / Plant science / Seeds
E-mail: jpossenti@utfpr.edu.br
D in Seed Science and Technology, UFPEL (2007) | M.Sc. in Seed Science and Technology, UFPEL (1996) | Agronomist, UFPEL (1992)

Joel Donazzolo
Area: Genetics, Use and Conservation of Biodiversity in Agroecosystems.
E-mail: joel@utfpr.edu.br
D in Plant Genetic Resources, UFSC (2012) | M.Sc. in Agronomy, UFSM (2001) | Agronomist, UFSM (1996).

Laércio Ricardo Sartor
Area: Agronomy / Soil Science / Crop livestock system
E-mail: laerciosartor@utfpr.edu.br
D in Agronomy, UFPR (2012) | M.Sc. in Agronomy, UTFPR (2009) | Agronomist, UTFPR (2007)

Lucas da Silva Domingues 
Area: Plant Breeding
E-mail: lucasdomingues@utfpr.edu.br 
D in Agronomy, UFSM (2013) | M.Sc. in Agronomy, UFSM (2010) | Agronomist, UFSM (2008)

Michele Potrich
Area: Zoology / Entomology / Biological Control
E-mail: michelepotrich@utfpr.edu.br
D in Agronomy, UEL (2010) | M.Sc. in Agronomy, UNIOESTE (2006) | Licensed in Biology, UNIOESTE (2003)

Paulo César Conceição
Area: Agronomy / Soil Science / Soil Dynamics and Quality
E-mail: paulocesar@utfpr.edu.br
D in Soil Science, UFRGS (2006) | M.Sc. in Agronomy, UFSM (2002) | Agronomist, UFSM (2005)

Paulo Fernando Adami
Area: Agronomy / Plant science / Annual Crops
E-mail: pauloadami@utfpr.edu.br 
D in Agronomy, UFPR (2012) | M.Sc in Agronomy, UTFPR (2009) | Agronomist, UTFPR (2007)

Pedro V. Dutra de Moraes
Area: Agronomy / Plant Morphology & Systematics / Mathology
E-mail: pedromoraes@utfpr.edu.br
D in Plant Health (Weeds), UFPEL (2008) | M.Sc. in Animal Zootechnics (Pastures), UFPEL (2005) | Agronomist, UFPEL (2003) 

Sérgio Miguel Mazaro
Area: Agronomy / Plant Science / Plant Pathology
E-mail: sergio@utfpr.edu.br
D in Agronomy, UFPR (2007) | M.Sc. in Agronomy, UFSM (1998) | Agronomist, UFSM (1996)

Thiago Cintra Maniglia
Area: Biology / Conservation Genetics / G. Molecular
E-mail: thiagomaniglia@utfpr.edu.br
D in Ecology – Aquatic environment., UEM (2006) | M.Sc. in Environmental Ecology EMU (2006) |Ecology Licensed in Biology, UEM (2003).

Collaborating Professor

Pedro Manuel Oliveira Janeiro Neves
Area: Agronomy / Agricultural Entomology / Biological Control
E-mail:  pedroneves@uel.br
D  in Entomology, ESALQ (1998) | M.Sc. in Entomology, ESALQ (1990) | Agronomist, UEL (1982)

Marciele Felippi
Area: Botany / Plant Morphology / Forest seeds and seedlings
E-Mail: marcielefelippi@utfpr.edu.br
D in Forest Engineering, UFSM (2010) | M. Sc. in Forest Engineering, UFPR (2006) | Degree in Biological Sciences, URI FW (2003).

Jucelaine Haas
Area: Entomology / Insect-Plant Interaction
E-mail: jucelainehaas@utfpr.edu.br
D in Agronomy, UTFPR (2015) | M. Sc in Agronomy, UNIOESTE (2007) | Graduation in Biological Sciences, UNIOESTE (2002).

Visiting Professor

César Augusto Guimarães Finger
Area: Dendrometry and Forest Inventory.
E-mail: cesarfinger@utfpr.edu.br
D in Forest Resources and Forest Engineering, Universität für Bodenkultur, BOKU, Austria (1991) | M. Sc in Forestry Engineering, UFPR (1982) | Degree in Forest Engineering, UFSM (1979).

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