Foreign Languages Centers

Publicado 7/7/2016, 11:50:48 AM, última modificação 7/7/2016, 11:50:58 AM

The Academic Centers of  Foreign Languages (CALEM) at UTFPR is a pedagogical space for the teaching of  languages to students and employees.

The objectives of CALEM are: 

Provide systematic teaching of foreign languages;

Broaden the cultural horizons of students by allowing them contact with cultures of different countries;

Empower students for effective communication in one or more foreign languages, making them increasingly able to face the labor market and competition for scholarships abroad;


CALEM offers foreign language courses in Campo Mourão, Cornélio Procópio, Curitiba, Medianeira, Pato Branco and Ponta Grossa. In Curitiba,  there is also a course of Portuguese for Foreigners.



Coordinator: Márcia Regina Becker | | +55 (41) 3310-4597

Campo Mourão

Coordinator: Ricardo Ernani Sander |

Cornélio Procópio

Coordinator – Maria de Fátima Tondelli  | | (43) 3520-4053

Francisco Beltrão

Coordinator – Carina M. Lingnau | | (46) 3520-2666


Coordinator: Joice Maria Maltauro Juliano | | (45) 3240-8073

Pato Branco

Coordinator  - Lourdes Parise | | (46) 3220-2603

Ponta Grossa

 Coordinator  - Professora Gisele Werneck Divardin | |  (42) 3235-7002

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