Agreements and Partnerships

Agreements and Partnerships

Publicado 1/22/2020, 8:53:08 AM, última modificação 1/22/2020, 8:54:28 AM
Cooperation Projects

The PPGEE acts jointly with the Graduate Program in Electrical Engineering of Santa Maria. Such a collaboration is made feasible by the National Institute for Science and Technology in Distributed Generation (In Portuguese, Instituto Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia em Energia Distribuída – INCT-GD) which began its activities in 2017. The INCT is under the coordination of professor Hélio Leães Hey from UFSM. Such a project integrates professionals of several areas from UFRGS, FURG, UNIPAMPA, UFSC, UDESC, IFSC, and UNIOESTE and aims at developing a center of reference in distributed generation. The project was approved by merit and started in 2017, relying, in 2019, on six subprojects in various areas concerning the energy-distributed generation.

Professor Giovanni Alfredo Guarneri has researched the fields of instrumentation for non-destructive ultrasound tests jointly with professors Daniel Rodrigues Pipa, Flávio Neves Junior, and Lúcia Valéria Ramos de Arruma in the Graduate Program in Electrical Engineering and Industrial Computation (CPGEI) from the UTFPR campus Curitiba. Professor Giovanni Alfredo Guarneri also researches in study groups “Group for Reconstruction of Images and Inverse Problems” and in the research project named “Reconstruction of Signals and Images with Ultrasound Applications” submitted to Universal 01/2016 – Level A – up to R$ 30.000,00, coordinated by Daniel Rodrigues Pipa. In December 2017, professor Daniel Rodrigues Pipa had his P&D project financed by Petrobras (Petróleo Brasileiro S.A.) approved in the total amount of R$ 2.208.593,76. Such a project, entitled “AUSPEX – Advanced Ultrasound Signal Processing for Equipment inspeCtionS – Desenvolvimento de Técnicas Avançadas de Processamento de Sinais para Inspeções de Equipamentos Submaridos por Ultrassom.”, has professor Giovanni Alfredo Guarneri as one of its researchers. The term of this Project is 3 years, and it is funding both the purchase of simulation software and equipment and the provision of 4 scholarships of scientific initiation for undergraduate students, 4 scholarships for Master Degree students and 3 scholarships for doctoral candidates.

Professor Jean Patric da Costa began in 2016 a doctoral co-orientation jointly with PPGEEL from the UDESC. Such a partnership resulted in a publication in an international conference and a publication in a journal A1 level, both in the Industry Applications Society in the year of 2017.

Professor Dalcimar Casanova, a new member of the PPGEE in the year of 2018, continues a collaboration with IFSC-USP, IME-Unicamp, Facom-UFU and PPGI-UFPR. Through such covenants, they published a paper level A1 in 2018 (with the partnership with Unicamp), and two already approved papers of high-level qualis for 2019 (partnerships Facom and IFSC). He also relies on the co-orientation of 2 Master Degree students at PPGI-UFPR.

In 2011, UTFPR established an institutional agreement with the Universidad Nacional de Misiones (UNAM) from Argentina. In such a collaboration, in 2013, UNAM approved a master’s program in electrical engineering and PPGEE contributed teaching some courses in the years of 2015 and 2016. In 2015, the course “Potency Electronic” was taught by professor Carlos Marcelo de Oliveira Stein (PPGEE), in the city of Oberá, province of Misiones. In 2016, the PPGEE professors, Emerson Giovani Carati and Rafael Cardoso, also taught the course “Tópicos Especiales en Control de Sistemas”. The covenant ended in 2016. Nonetheless, from such an experience, UNAM invited the professors Rafael Cardoso and Emerson Carati, from PPGEE, to partake in a proposal for a doctoral program organized in the years of 2017-2018. The program was approved in 2018 and had its expected starting date in 2019. Hence, new institutional agreements involving UNAM, UTFPR and PPGEE will be arranged.  A higher interaction among researchers is also expected, envisioning the participation in boards, co-orientations and publications.

The partnership with UNAM, from 2017, resulted in a wider agreement that aims at the double-degree in undergraduate programs in electrical engineering of UTFPR and electronic engineering of UNAM. The arrangements of such an agreement were coordinated by prof. Jean Patric da Costa and Fábio Luiz Bertotti, both PPGEE professors.

In 2016 and 2017, PPGEE partook in the Alliances Program for Education and Capacitation (in Portuguese, Programa de Alianças para a Educação e Capacitação – PAEC), supported by the Organization of American States (OAS) and the Coimbra Group of Brazilian Universities (in Portuguese, Grupo Coimbra de Universidades Brasileiras – GCUB). The PAEC OEA/GCUB programs support higher education graduate students from the Americas. To such, they provide the students with an academic scholarship for Master and Doctoral programs at Brazilian Universities. As a result of the participation in the PAEC OEA/GCUB 2015 notice, the PPGEE received, in 2016, a Colombian student (Carlos Edberto Fernandez Gaviria), and in 2017 a Peruvian student (Cesar Caytuiro Tapia), both covered with a study scholarship to develop their master final paper alongside with PPGEE.

PPGEE has new strengthening perspectives of international partnerships for the next four years, for example, the research cooperation, represented by professor Marcelo Teixeira, with the Research Group on Methods, from the University of Waikato, in New Zealand. This collaboration yielded results published in 2015, 2016, 2018 and in-progress submissions for 2019. Besides, professor Robi Malik is a member of a project approved by professor Marcelo in the Universal CNPq Notice in 2016. In 2017, PPGEE received the visit of professor Robi Malik in Pato Branco, and in 2018 there was a research period in New Zealand, regarding of the visit of professor Marcelo to the University of Waikato, arising from the approval of a project for the encouragement to internationalization, jointly with UTFPR. Yet in 2018, professor Robi co-oriented a master’s dissertation at PPGEE, which defence is predicted to take place at the beginning of 2019.

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