Publicações 2016

Publicado 3/4/2019, 7:09:37 AM, última modificação 3/7/2024, 2:48:38 PM
Publicações dos Docentes e Discentes de 2016

1. CASSEMIRO, SANDRA M. ; Grova, Isabel R. ; ZANLORENZI, CRISTIANO ; TURCHETTI, DENIS A. ; Yamamoto, Natasha A.D. ; MACEDO, A. G. ; Roman, Lucimara S. ; AKCELRUD, L. C. . Interplay among electronic characteristics, morphology and device efficiency in three fluorene alternated copolymers. Synthetic Metals, v. 219, p. 60-66, 2016.

2. SANTOS, GUSTAVO H. ; GAVIM, ANDERSON A. X. ; SILVA, RICARDO F. ; RODRIGUES, PAULA C. ; KAMIKAWACHI, RICARDO C. ; DE DEUS, JEFERSON F. ; Macedo, Andreia G. . Roll-to-roll processed PEDOT:PSS thin films: application in flexible electrochromic devices. Journal of Materials Science. Materials in Electronics, v. 27, p. 1-8, 2016.

3. WEGHER, G. H. ; Viana, E. R. ; Ribeiro, G. M. ; DEUS, J. F. . Metal-to-insulator transition near room temperature in graphene oxide and graphene oxide + TiO 2 thin films. RSC Advances: an international journal to further the chemical sciences, v. 6, p. 112864-112869, 2016.

4. CIFUENTES, N. ; Viana, E.R. ; LIMBORCO, H. ; ROA, D. B. ; ABELENDA, A. ; da SILVA, M. I. N. ; MOREIRA, M. V. B. ; RIBEIRO, G. M. ; OLIVEIRA, A. G. ; González, J. C. . Electrical Properties of Polytypic Mg Doped GaAs Nanowires. Journal of Nanomaterials (Print), v. 2016, p. 1-5, 2016.

5. CIFUENTES, N. ; LIMBORCO, H. ; Viana, E.R. ; ROA, D. B. ; ABELENDA, A. ; da SILVA, M. I. N. ; MOREIRA, M. V. B. ; RIBEIRO, G. M. ; OLIVEIRA, A. G. ; González, J. C. . Electronic transport in p-type Mg-doped GaAs nanowires. Physica Status Solidi. B, Basic Research, p. 2016, 2016.

6. RIOS, F. G. ; Viana, E.R. ; RIBEIRO, G. M. ; González, J. C. ; ABELENDA, A. ; PERUZZO, D. C. . Temperature evaluation of dental implant surface irradiated with high-power diode laser. Lasers in Medical Science, p. 1, 2016.

7. Benedetti-Rossi, G. SICARDY, B. BUIE, M. W. Ortiz, J. L. Vieira-Martins, R. KELLER, J. M. Braga-Ribas, F. CAMARGO, J. I. B. ASSAFIN, M. MORALES, N. DUFFARD, R. Dias-Oliveira, A. Santos-Sanz, P. DESMARS, J. GOMES-JÚNIOR, A. R. Leiva, R. BARDECKER, J. BEAN JR., J. K. OLSEN, A. M. RUBY, D. W. SUMNER, R. THIROUIN, A. GÓMEZ-MUÑOZ, M. A. GUTIERREZ, L. WASSERMAN, L. , et al. ; RESULTS FROM THE 2014 NOVEMBER 15TH MULTI-CHORD STELLAR OCCULTATION BY THE TNO (229762) 2007 UK 126. The Astronomical Journal, v. 152, p. 156, 2016.

8. GOMES-JÚNIOR, A. R. ; ASSAFIN, M. ; BEAUVALET, L. ; DESMARS, J. ; Vieira-Martins, R. ; CAMARGO, J. I. B. ; MORGADO, B. E. ; BRAGA-RIBAS, F. . New orbits of irregular satellites designed for the predictions of stellar occultations up to 2020, based on thousands of new observations. Royal Astronomical Society. Monthly Notices, v. 462, p. 1351-1358, 2016.

9. Santos-Sanz, P. ; FRENCH, R. G. ; PINILLA-ALONSO, N. ; STANSBERRY, J. ; LIN, Z-Y. ; ZHANG, Z-W. ; VILENIUS, E. ; MÜLLER, TH. ; Ortiz, J. L. ; Braga-Ribas, F. ; BOSH, A. ; DUFFARD, R. ; LELLOUCH, E. ; Tancredi, G. ; YOUNG, L. ; MILAM, STEFANIE N. . Observations of Stellar Occultations by Solar System Bodies and Rings. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, v. 128, p. 018011, 2016.

10. SICARDY, B. TALBOT, J. MEZA, E. Camargo, J. I. B. DESMARS, J. GAULT, D. Herald, D. KERR, S. PAVLOV, H. BRAGA-RIBAS, F. Assafin, M. Benedetti-Rossi, G. Dias-Oliveira, A. GOMES-JÚNIOR, A. R. Vieira-Martins, R. BÉRARD, D. KERVELLA, P. Lecacheux, J. LELLOUCH, E. BEISKER, W. DUNHAM, D. JELÍNEK, M. DUFFARD, R. ORTIZ, J. L. CASTRO-TIRADO, A. J. , et al. ; PLUTO?S ATMOSPHERE FROM THE 2015 JUNE 29 GROUND-BASED STELLAR OCCULTATION AT THE TIME OF THE NEW HORIZONS FLYBY. The Astrophysical Journal, v. 819, p. L38, 2016.

11. SANTOS, J. C.; Wrasse, C. M. . Reorganization of Photospheric Magnetic Fields in Active Regions During Energetic Flares. Solar Physics, v. 291/3, p. 1-8, 2016.

12. MACHADO, R. E. G.; MANOS, T. . Chaotic motion and the evolution of morphological components in a time-dependent model of a barred galaxy within a dark matter halo. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (Print), v. 458, p. 3578-3591, 2016.

13. TISSERA, PATRICIA B. ; Machado, Rubens E. G. ; SANCHEZ-BLAZQUEZ, PATRICIA ; PEDROSA, SUSANA E. ; SÁNCHEZ, SEBASTIÁN F. ; SNAITH, OWAIN ; VILCHEZ, JOSE . The stellar metallicity gradients in galaxy discs in a cosmological scenario. Astronomy & Astrophysics (Berlin. Print), v. 592, p. A93, 2016.

14. Rita De Cássia de Lima Silva ; DENYAK, Valeriy Viktorovich ; Paschuk, Sergei A. ; SCHELIN, Hugo Reuters . MULTIPLE COULOMB SCATTERING WITH FIXED ENTRANCE AND EXIT PARAMETERS IN FERMI APPROXIMATION. Voprosy Atomnoj Nauki i Tehniki. Seriâ Aderno-fiziceskie Issledovaniâ / Problems of Atomic Science and Technology, v. 67, p. 104-107, 2016.

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