Postgraduate Program in Biosciences Technologies (PPGBio)

Postgraduate Program in Biosciences Technologies (PPGBio)

Publicado 1/21/2020, 4:09:13 PM, última modificação 1/21/2020, 4:09:21 PM
Brief description | Research lines

The Postgraduate Program in Biosciences Technologies (PPGBio) seeks to promote scientific and technological development in an interdisciplinary manner, crossing the boundaries between different areas of knowledge and enabling the convergence among them in problem solving. In this context, the proposed curricular matrix aims at a broad technical-scientific formation, stimulating above all the integration of theories and methodologies in the production of knowledge. Therefore, PPGBio aims to train professionals capable of contributing positively to the advancement of the frontiers of science and technology in the most distinct segments of biosciences. The Master of Technology in Biosciences will be qualified to:

             1. Conduct scientific and technological research;
             2. Identify, formulate and solve problems in the sphere of biosciences;
             3. Develop and/or use new tools and techniques;
             4. Act in multidisciplinary teams, as well as being able of coordinating and supervising work teams;
             5. Design, plan, implement and analyze systems, products, equipment and processes;
             6. Perform technical services, as well as perform inspections, expertise and evaluations, being able to issue reports and opinions;
             7. Assess the impact of bioscience activities on the social and environmental context.

Research lines

Obtaining, characterization and quantification of bioproducts and biomaterials and their applications in biosciences
The objectives of this research line are the development of pharmaceutical forms using nanotechnology, development of characterization methods, quantification of drug impurities and degradation products, production of biopharmaceuticals and enzymes by fermentative processes.

This research line focuses its efforts on the production, application and characterization of bioactive and biomaterial compounds in biosciences. Within this scope the production of enzymes and biopharmaceuticals by fermentative processes is proposed; characterization and quantification of drugs, impurities and degradation products. The application and development of nanotechnologies in production, encapsulation and controlled release of drugs (drug delivery), as well as the development of biomaterials for orthopedic and dental applications, are also sought in this line.

Modeling and applications of materials in biosciences
The objectives of this research line are the development and application of statistical methods in biosciences, computer simulation of materials and development of technologies and products related to bioinformatics, software, robotics and automation and medical equipment.

This research line integrates mathematical modeling with the development of new processes and technologies, and with the application of computational methods and techniques for studies involving materials and biomaterials in biosciences. It brings together different aspects of modeling such as the development and application of techniques for predicting the dynamic behavior of biological phenomena, their use in techniques of analysis and optimization of bioprocesses and in obtaining design parameters for equipment and processes. As well as the preparation of experimental apparatus necessary for data collection and for the validation of models and the analysis of results by statistical methods. It focuses on obtaining innovative products and technologies in the areas of bioinformatics, bioprocesses, biosensors and automated equipment applied to the biopharmaceutical and biotechnological sciences.

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